This 8 months pregnant cow belongs to Gunaseelam Temple Devasthanam. During walking on tiles it fell down and got injured. Mr Krishnan from Shri Goshala Rescued this cow and brought to Palakkarai Vet Clinic for Treatment. Doctors told the cow can't be cured and they informed us about this. We visited Palakkarai Vet Clinic. We spoke to Mr Krishnan and told him we are ready to adopt the cow and treat the cow at Vedics Foundation Goshala. But he told he would take care of the cow and took the cow with him. At his Goshala they lifted the cow using slings and let it on the sling for a week without lowering it. Due to this the cow got severe injuries in Thigs and hips. He then informed us that he can no longer take care of the cow. We went to his place and saw the cow lying on rain. We also came to know that to abort the calf injection were given to the cow. Due to that the cow gave one month premature birth to a calf. We Rescued the Cow and Calf and shifted them to Vedics Foundation Goshala for further Treatment. At Vedics Foundation despite the best efforts of Chellammal, Venugopala Dasan, Renga Rajan and Trustee Veera Raghavan the calf died within 2 days. The cow died about 10 days later. The calf & cow were Buried.�