Buffalo Rescue Near Cantonment Case 352

A buffalo fell from an over loaded truck ( TN76Y 2214 ) with lot of buffalos. It was draaged on the road. Advocate Lenin and his team saw this. They stopped the vehicle took them to Police station and filed FIR. Sub Inspector of Police Gopinath called us and informed about this around 10:45 PM on 16th Aug 16. We reached the spot and rescued the injured buffalo and arranged a vehicle and took it to Palakkarai Vet Clinic. There we gave first aid and necessary treatment and admitted the animal there. Rest of the buffalos were supposed to be produced before Judicial Magistrate the next day morning. Till that time there are no goshalas to keep the animals. The complainants left the police station. SI requested us to make arrangements for keeping the animals. We contacted local cow activists Raghavan & Krishnan they could not help and switched off their cell phones. Then we took the animals to a farm known to us which is situated at Manparai, Pulivalam ( about 45 Kms from Trichy ). We kept the animals there and provided them food and water. A police person guarded the animals. We then left the place. The next day afternoon we shifted the animals from there and produced before the Magistrate at Trichy. He enquired about availability of goshalas in Trichy we said none available. Then he ordered to hand over the animals to Shri Jayam Goshala, Kuthalam, Mayiladuthurai about 150 Kms from Trichy. At night we took the animals and handed over them to the goshala and returned. The one left over buffalo with injury was given treatment and necessary food and water for a week. Once it was cured we obtained order from Magistrate. On 22-Aug-2016 handed over the buffalo to the Goshala using vehicle arranged by our own expenses.
